Ulysses Bauer, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend, passed away peacefully on Nov. 1, 2013, at his home in Forest Falls, CA. Services will be held Tuesday, Nov. 19, 10 a.m., at St. Boniface Catholic Church, followed by internment at Riverside National Cemetery at 2:15 p.m.
Known to family and friends as “Ude,” he was born in Anaheim on March 14, 1926, the eldest of four children of Ulysses F. and Cora (Stoffel) Bauer. While at Anaheim High, Ude was a star athlete and played on the 1943-44 Varsity Football Team that won a co-Sunset League championship. He was also a member of the Colonist Knights.
When he graduated from Anaheim Union High School in June 1944, the United States was fighting in both the European and Pacific Theaters. He and 13 of his classmates left after graduation ceremonies for the U.S. Navy boot camp in San Diego.

Class of ’44 graduates at U.S. Navy boot camp in San Diego: 1) Paul Harrison, 2) Jim Richard, 3) John Hein, 4) Ray Booth, 5) Wilbur McConnell, 6) Bob Waddell, 7) Lester Buck, 8) John Murdock, 9) Jack Arnett, 10) Claude Wilson, 11) Ude Bauer, 12) Jack Royer, 13) Gene Menges, 14) Charles Fordyce.
Ude was inducted in the Navy June 8, 1944. He attended quartermaster school and on January 1945 he was assigned to the U.S.S. Bennington CV20. He and his shipmates left San Diego for the Pacific on New Year’s Day. The first CV 20 raids were on northern Japan. The carrier group included the Hornet, Wasp and Bennington. His classmates Jack DuBois was on the Hornet and Bill Pierson on the Wasp.
Ude was discharged from the Navy on May 22, 1946. Soon after returning from the war, Ude enrolled at Fullerton Junior College and then went on to UC Berkeley, graduating from Cal in 1953 with a BA in Environmental Design/Architecture. He practiced architecture in Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties for 53 years. In 1962, Ude honorably served as Grand Exalted Ruler of the Anaheim Elks Club.
Ude is survived by his wife of 65 years, Shirley; sons, Ulysses D. “Udie” (Elna) and Kevin (Esther); daughters, Carol Cruze (Rodney) and Mary “Cathy” Berens (Tom); 14 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; his sister, Mary Rich (Paul); and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and brothers Donald and Duane.
He will be missed by his Colonist classmates, who he joined for the last time at a reunion in 2012.