Photo from an article in the Saturday Evening Post, June 28, 1958 issue.
Life’s been one big adventure for Anaheim High’s Class of ’61 graduate Tom Nabbe. The fun really started when his family moved to Anaheim just down the road from where Disneyland was being built.
A 12-year-old red-headed, freckle-faced boy, Nabbe was selling newspapers at Disneyland when he heard that Walt needed someone to play the role of Tom Sawyer. Tom pestered Walt until he got the job. Nearly fifty years later, Tom retired as a Disney Legend.
The story of his amazing career, which began as a fantasy and ended as the embodiment of the American dream, is now available in his book: “From Disneyland’s Tom Sawyer to Disney Legend: The Adventures of Tom Nabbe.”
The book is available via his website TomNabbe.com or via Amazon.com in paperback or Kindle Edition.