Let’s Celebrate Anaheim’s Oldest Colonist!

Thanks to a communication from her granddaughter, the AHS Alumni Association has discovered our oldest living Colonist, Thelma Charles from AUHS Class of 1938, who will celebrate her 103rd birthday on June 10, 2023.

Granddaughter Malinda reported: “I just spent a weekend in Reno with her and my mom. Nothing stops her. She does it all!”

While at Anaheim High, Thelma was in Glee Club and the Domecon Club, which trained members in scientific home management. Fellow classmate, Marion Knott, daughter of Knott’s Berry Farm’s Walter Knott, was vice president of the club.

Thelma’s best friend was Jeanette VanDelden McDonald from Class of 1936, who passed away at age 103 in 2022.

  • Thelma-Class of 1938