Congratulations to our outstanding 2020 Spirit Award winners. These students are scholars, school leaders, athletes, musicians, dancers, and community volunteers who have consistently given back to their school and community throughout their four years at Anaheim High. Congratulations to these 2020 graduates, who had their senior year cut short, but will go on to successful futures as they continue their higher educations.
- Miguel I. Aguilar will be studying physics at UC San Diego. Miguel was highly involved at AHS as a student leader and athlete. He said his time at AHS taught him what it is like “to be part of something special.”
- Sahar Alfatlawi will be attending UC San Diego to student sociology with an emphasis in international studies. Sahar served as editor-in-chief of Anaheim’s bilingual newspaper. She also participated in athletics and was a member and leader of several school clubs and service organizations.
- Omar Barba will be studying business economics at UC Berkeley. Omar enjoys nature, playing sports, playing the guitar, reading, and spending time with his family. He looks forward to the day when he is able to give back to his community.
- Alejandro De La Cruz will be attending UC Irvine to pursue a degree in business administration. A critical thinker, Alejandro was a member of both the National Honor Society and the California Scholarship Federation. He also enjoys playing volleyball, reading and staying current on politics and the news.
- Emma Flores will be attending UCLA to study cognitive science. On the Principal’s Honor Roll all four years at Anaheim High, Emma was a top AHS scholarship and a volunteer with many community service organizations.
- David Frias will be studying music performance at CSU Long Beach. A top student who achieved Principal’s Honor Roll all four years of high school, David is a trumpet player who served as the AHS Band & Pageantry Drum Major. He also represented Anaheim High as one of the nine trumpeters announcing the Tournament of Roses 2020 Royal Court and was chosen for the AUHSD All-District Honor Band.
- Miguel Jimenez will be attending CSU Fullerton as a music education major. An honor roll student all four years of high school, Miguel was selected as the principal tuba player for the SCSBOA All-Southern Honor Band. He also played tuba for the Tournament of Roses and the AUHSD All-District honor bands. He was also involved in other school clubs and programs.
- Valeria Lopez will be studying psychology at UC Santa Cruz. Valeria was a student leader, a community volunteer and an accomplished mariachi artist and dancer. She said her years at Anaheim High were “some of the best that I could have hoped for.”
- Paola Lumbreras will be studying criminal justice at CSU San Bernardino to fulfill her goal of becoming a police officer. It is her desire to become a cop who is a leader that brings safety and justice to the community she serves.
- Anthony Miguel is the first of his family to graduate and go on to college. He excelled in dance as an AHS Performing Arts student and also was involved in mentoring his underclassmen. He will be studying dance at Orange Coast College.
- Olivia Moreno will be majoring in pre-global studies at UC Santa Barbara. An honors student, Olivia was an accomplished member of the AHS Dance Team and took 1st place for dance choreography.
- Kithzia Munoz will be attending UC Santa Barbara to study sociology. A first generation student who was born and raised in Anaheim, Kithzia was a member of the National Honor Society, Key Club and the AHS Band. Kithzia said being a part of the band strengthened her love of music and gave her the opportunity to become a leader.
- Rachel Opyrchal will be studying physiology at CSU Fullerton. A well-rounded student, Rachel served as ASB Senior Class President, took advanced classes, participated in three sports, including the championship Girls’ Basketball Team, and participated in multiple clubs and community service projects.
- Bryan Pineda will be attending CSU Fullerton to study communications with an emphasis in broadcasting. Bryan was an athlete scholar at AHS who played on the Boys' Soccer Team and served as an ASB leader.
- Carlos Ramirez will be attending Rochester Community Technical College in Greenville, Tennesse, as a recruit for the school's baseball team. An honor student, Carlos has played organized baseball since age 3. He was also a member of AHS Band and was selected for the Southern CA Ambassadors of Music program, which allowed him to play clarinet during a European tour. He has served as a volunteer for many community organizations.
- Michael Rojas will be studying computer science at CSU Fullerton. A top scholar, Michael was involved in many school programs, including National Honor Society, played on the Boys' Baseball Team and served as a school leader.