- Sponsors
- Boys Baseball Coaches
- Boys Baseball
- Tee-signs
- Club House
- Boys Baseball
- Boys Baseball
- Boys Baseball
- Baseball Coach Barrera
- Speed talking with Boys Baseball
- D. Vidana
- Geri Bumpass ’58, Speed Castillo and Micky Flynn ’57
- Jim Fackiner ’62 and Tom Bateman ’89
- Hole in One
- Cynthia Roybal ’73
- Alfonso Rodriquez ’94
- Dixon Golf
- Anaheim HS Alumni Association – Golf Classic
- Anaheim Baseball
- Larry Larson ’64
- Michael Fawver, Dan Miller, Albert Rodriquez
- Albert Rodriquez
- Armand Contreras ’73
- Armand Contreras ’73
- Bill Archer-Burton ’72
- Bill Archer-Burton ’72
- Michael La Torre ’65
- Michael La Torre ’65
- Michael La Torre ’65, Bill Archer-Burton ’72, Armand Contreras ’73 and George Fraser ’70
- Tee-signs
- Mr. Saldivar
- Phil Anton – Calton
- J & M Promotions
- Tee-sign El Cholo
- Speed Castillo
- Larry Larson and Cynthia Roybal
- Bonne Stevens, Dee Dee Carter and Mary Okamoto
- AHSAA Board Members Jim Oregel ’72, Barbara Vary ’60 and Reon Howard ’74
- AHSAA President Gerald Woodward ’59, AHSAA Board Members Geri Bumpass ’58 and Bill Archer-Burton ’72
- Rodriguez Family
- Cynthia Roybal ’73 and Mickey Flynn ’57
- Sponsors
- Sponsors
- Sponsors
- Boys Baseball
- AHS Boys Baseball
- Louie and Edith Luna Andrade ’00
- Silent Auction item -Paver